When you study here or work with us, you'll reap the benefits of a purpose-built department that works with industry leaders to meet the challenges of a rapidly growing field.
We Have Deep Roots
Our Systems Engineering and Operations Research programs have been formed, in part, from intense collaboration with offices of the federal government to solve complex challenges.
Our location and commitment to training a well-prepared workforce made us the perfect fit to work with the government agencies on our doorstep.

George Mason University is committed to training the federal workforce in crucial operations management and systems engineering methods.
Our Research Affects:
We Continue Branching Out
Systems engineering and operations research are becoming integral tools in the economy, utility systems, health care, education, and communication.
The theory and practice we have developed with our continuing corporate relationships is transferring to a wider field of industry.
We seek partnerships with a wide array of industry leaders because we share their passion for making processes safer, more efficient, and sustainable.
Our faculty and students have worked closely with many corporations in the D.C. area, in such areas as:
Communications: Iridium, Neustar, Orbital Systems, XO Communications, Verizon.
Insurance: Geico.
Consulting: Accenture, Booz-Allan, General Dynamics, IBM Analytics Group, Northrop Grumman, SAIC, SRA Systems, Systems Planning and Analysis
Health: INOVA.
Transportation: Airbus, BAE Systems.
These companies have engaged our faculty in joint research, sponsored student projects, and provided members of our Advisory Board.